Last Saturday, the crew decided to do a double date and go to the orchard and get pumpkins to carve. The forecast said it was supposed to rain, but it was my friends weekend home so we decided to go anyways. We told the boys to dress warm (when in all actuality Dylan and I were the only ones who glad)!
Saturday rolls around and it is quite chilly but no real rain storms, just sprinkles here and there which made my day (wore my galoshes regardless).
We got there and hit the haunted house first, we took a nice hayride to it (below is a picture of the building that they turned into a haunted house...kid friendly..its an orchard guys)!
What a great idea to turn such an old beautiful building into something new, its all about the DIY guys.
After the haunted house we started to make our way back to where the fun stuff was, Valerie and I stopped to pick some beautiful leaves. Mine are in books being flattened right now, I might make a DIY on what I will do with them...just need to get the supplies. The trees are so beautiful in the fall-time, this is my favorite season for that exact reason (fallowed by summer...clearly). All the leaves are beautiful and unique, but I love the ones that show the change from spring leaves to fall to red. Its really awesome if you can catch some of the leaves in mid-change. Like the reds/orange/yellows are seeping into the green and taking over them. So beautiful.
Some trees changing colors.
The nice hayride driver picked us up on the way and dropped us off at the wasn't much of a corn maze when you can see over the top of the corn but it was fun nonetheless.

From there we went and looked at the pumpkins, man oh man...pumpkins galore! We decided to stop at a little fruit stand down the road because the pumpkins were ridiculously priced at the orchard.

We then stopped for a little break which consisted of Caramel Apples, Apple Cider, and fresh cinnamon sugar donuts! All of which were made at the orchard and were in fact delectable!! (didn't get a picture of this...don't think the food was around long enough to snap a picture), but here are some flowers they had for sale. Very pretty.
From there we walked to the kiddo area where we pet some animals at the petting zoo, friendly mister pig with a very hairy nose!
We went on the ferris wheel they had there, it was a lot better than the normal ferris wheels that they have at the fairs. This one went a lot faster....minor adrenaline rush. I told Brian and Valerie to turn around and this is the picture I got. ha!
The boys looking at a kiddy maze thing.
Valerie by the ferris wheel after everything.
Just down the road there is a little Cider Mill where you can watch them make the Cider (it was pretty interesting to watch), they have samples of flavored ciders you can try, more donuts, knick knacks, and other baked goods. Brian got some spiced cider. But the best part of the cider mill.........DRUM ROLL PALEASE.....

Valerie and I both love dinosaurs, so of course we had to snap a few twin pics!
The pumpkin carving will be in the next post! Stay tuned!
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